Technology behind Hologram Stickers

The holographic technique was originally developed by Dennis Gabor for which he won the Nobel Prize in 1971. The method he innovated proved instrumental in improving the functioning capacity of electron microscopes and still very much in use in electron microscopy. As far as commercial exploitation of the technique was concerned, (for use in optical holography), it had to wait till the invention of the laser technology in the 1960.

The advent of laser technology enabled the making of optical holograms that recorded and stored 3D images. With the passage of time the manufacturing process became more and more refined. Nowadays, holographic labels and stickers are made in different formats-transmission holograms (holograms using rainbow transmission technology are the latest refinement), reflection holograms, and Specular holograms. Originally, the holographic method incorporated the use of high frequency lasers that were expensive but presently diode lasers are used for making almost the entire range of holograms.

The Holographic Technology:
The holographic technique makes possible the recording of a light field that is produced as the result of reflection of light rays from different objects. Thereafter the light field is recreated in the absence of the original light source or sources. The holographic technology is to some extent akin to the system of sound recording where the sound field produced by resonating objects (musical instruments for instance) is programmed in a manner for reproduction later on.

A hologram is made when a light flash light up a scene and the imprint on the recording medium is captured. Additionally, some part of the light beams called the reference beam must be directed upon the recording surface or medium. Lasers invariably serve as the light source for recording holograms and they must be of prescribed wavelengths. Much like the photographic procedure, holographic images have to be recorded in a dark room within a specific timeframe (exposure time). The exposure time is monitored using an electronic timer that automatically beams the laser rays for a prefixed time period and then shuts it off.

A somewhat improved arrangement for recording and capturing a holographic pattern comprises directing the laser beam on the recording surface via a number of intervening mediums that alters the beam in various ways. A beam splitter is the usually the integral intervening element used to bisect the principal beam into two similar beams going in two different directions. An interference pattern results when two distinct laser rays falling on the recording medium intersect with each other. This pattern, which is embossed on the medium is the raw or unrefined version of the hologram design that’ll be ultimately printed on the sticker or label.

Of the materials that serve as the recording element, a highly concentrated silver halide film is extensively used for capturing images with a very high resolution.

Vikas Bhatnager is a professional packaging expert. Dealing with anti-counterfeit measures, he has been contributing posts on holography for Lasersec India that have been manufacturing different types of hologram stickers and labels (2D/3D stickers, aluminum foil stickers, roll-ons, holographic paper labels and so on) since a decade now.

Hire Top Holographic Solutions to Save Your Company from Piracy Related Harm

You may have ambitious plans for your business like a lot of other entrepreneurs. When you want to make your business grow, it becomes necessary to pay attention to a lot of aspects. While you may have assigned tasks to specific employees, it is still necessary that you spend time after activities like promotion, advertising and web based campaigns. These may help you stave off competition but at the same time you need to be aware of existing issues that can stall progress of your business. Thousands of companies lose huge amounts of money every year owing to the malicious piracy rackets. The counterfeit product manufacturers can also make your company suffer losses if you are not careful.holographic solutions

The repercussion of your company product getting duplicated can have more than monetary implications for the business. Revenue loss is only a part of the damage. Imagine what a first time buyer will feel after he gets fooled by the fake products and it is almost certain he will not feel like buying from your company in future. Apart from that, you cannot rule out chance of the enraged customer taking legal steps if he gets harmed by using spurious yet similar looking products. Such incidents can be detrimental to your company image.

The bitter truth about the nexus of fake product makers is that most of the time they succeed in carrying out their activities in a clandestine manner. It is only when you observe a major deficit in revenue of your company, you wake up to the reality. Some companies try in vain to thwart replication of their products by making changes to product design and packaging. These copycats have become capable and powerful enough to accurately replicate all aspects of product design. However, there is a way you can put an end to their duplication activities. Holographic labels and stickers embossed on your products can act as a weapon to make their attempts at copying futile.

There are companies that offer various types of hologram embossments for clients. However, before you search for such Holographic Solutions it is necessary to learn the basics of hologram embossment. In this technology laser ray is used to imprint text, graphics and codes on aluminum foil, strip or sticker surface. A hologram label has a shining sliver surface and diffuses multiple colors under light or sun. It can be made in various geometric shapes. After this label or sticker in embossed on surfaces like paper, aluminum or cardboard, taking it off is not possible without tampering. This makes replicating the sticker impossible for counterfeit nexus.

You can hire regional Holographic Solution providers to get your company products safeguarded from piracy rackets. However, it is imperative that you hire right agencies for the job. Before signing up with a company you should assess its expertise level and reliability. You may ask it to customize an existing package to match your needs. Professional companies readily offer samples to new clients. You may get some idea about their services from feedbacks from earlier clients.

Reasons you should Choose Holographic Stickers for your Company Products

Amidst steep competition and advent of new players in industry, a business owner needs to adopt suitable measures to ensure steady popularity and demand for his products. To ensure that your company products do not get lost in the crowd of similar looking, counterfeit products, you can think of using Holographic Stickers. This is one method that thousands of business owners are embracing. It does not matter whether you manufacture medicine or mobile accessories, the existence of a hologram mark can help you significantly to impress buyers and expand market.

When your products are embossed with quality hologram mark, buyers can identify genuine products from duplicate ones. A hologram sticker can make your products stand out from cheap and low quality fake products. Otherwise, it may lead to long term damage to your reputation in industry. There are entities that offer Holographic Stickers of various types for their clients. Apart from use with commercial products, holograms can be useful for many places like medical setups, government agencies and nonprofit entities, for example. Using these stickers is absolutely important when you launch new product line up or plan for expansion in new territory as well.

You need to pick a company to manufacture quality Holographic Stickers for your products that is capable of offering advanced technology. Nowadays, a lot of people prefer 3D holograms over older 2 dimensional and monochromatic variants. In 3D holography technology, 2 different light sources generate an illusion of 3 dimensional appearances. Hologram printing can be applied on different surfaces including paper and aluminum.

A professional hologram printing solution provider should be able to customize hologram stickers and labels as per client requirements. The sticker or holographic label manufactured by the agency should be suited for the products you sell and gel with the packaging and exterior covering. It is a good idea to interact with such agencies before you hire them for your business. Their staffs should be able to explain clients the technologies they use to make different hologram stickers and labels. The infrastructure and resources of such an entity matter a lot on this context. For instance, you may find companies that use patented technology or has international certification to produce top notch holographic product solutions.

You can search for hologram abased sticker manufacturers in your region. You can look for their ads but searching online will give you quicker and better results. It is prudent to select a company to get such stickers that has experience of catering to clients that belong to your business niche. It is very important to see that the company you choose is proficient in this sector and has a solid track record of manufacturing diverse types of hologram labels for various types of clients. Consider the opinions of their older clients before you hire an agency. You can find resources on these agencies in social media sites these days. With some patience and careful search you may be able to find good deals on their packages online.